Friday, July 13, 2012


Take One Simple Step Towards Savings That Lets You Enjoy The Life
That You Planned

If you’re worried about putting your money away and not seeing any of it
for a while, then rest easy. Start saving with Pristin, you’ll see that the
returns are just around the corner.  

See Your Money Grow With Pristin
Pristin is a Takaful plan that provides regular annual returns for the
next 20 years. The annual cash payment will range from 5% - 10%
of the Basic Annual Contribution, so you can be assured that your
 money is working hard for you. Pristin lets you live life to the fullest
 and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re protected and will
receive annual cash payments to supplement your lifestyle.  

Who is Eligible?
Person Covered: Anyone between the age of 14 days to 60 years old.
Participant: Anyone between the age of 18 to 60 years old.  
Key Benefits Offered by Pristin
Death Benefit In the event of Death of the Person Covered, the amount of Sum Covered plus all accumulated value in Participant’s Investment Fund (PIF), including any profit from its investment (if any) less any indebtedness shall be payable in one lump sum.
Total And Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit Upon TPD of the Person Covered before the age of 65 years old, the amount of Sum Covered plus all accumulated value in PIF, including any profit from its investment (if any) shall be payable.

If the aggregate Sum Covered payable (per person covered) is up to RM1 million, it shall be paid in one lump sum. Should the Sum Covered be more than RM1 million, then the balance of Sum Covered shall be payable one (1) year after the first payment was made, subject to the terms and conditions stated in the certificate contract.
Terminal Illness Benefit Upon diagnosis of the Terminal Illness of the Person Covered during the Takaful period due to natural or accidental causes, the amount payable is equivalent to the amount of Sum Covered plus accumulated value in PIF, if any.

Terminal Illness is defined as a conclusive diagnosis of a condition that is expected to result in death of the Person Covered within 12 months. The Person Covered must no longer be receiving active treatment other than that for pain relief. The diagnosis must be supported by written confirmation from the appropriate specialist and confirmed by the Company’s appointed doctor.
Maturity Benefit Upon completion of the Certificate tenure by the surviving Person Covered, the accumulated value in PIF including PIF profit and Participant’s Risk Fund (PRF) surpluses, if any, that have been allocated to the Participant shall be payable.
Annual Cash Payment A Fixed Annual Cash Payment based on the percentage of Basic Annual Contribution* is payable throughout the Certificate duration of 20 years.

Annual Cash Payment
(% of Basic Annual Contribution* Paid)
Year 1 – 5 5%
Year 6 – 20 10%

Contribution With an affordable contribution amount, you can participate in
Pristin and enjoy all the benefits offered by the plan. You also have the option
to pay the contribution on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annual basis.


 SALLEH TAHIR -012 30 222 05

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